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Our reviews

(23 Reviews)
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August 27, 2022
A lovely evening on the patio with delicious food and great service. Our group shared appetizers, pad Thai, and massaman curry. It was all delicious and complimented nicely with their Thai draft beer. My only wish is that I’d had room for dessert!

August 26, 2022
Wonderful meal

July 29, 2022
Meal was perfect

February 14, 2022
I would have preferred to write this review directly to the chef at Suwanna but they do not provide any email contacts nor have a good website..

The heritage building is gracefully preserved, the staff is excellent and most of the food is great.The complimentary sparkling wine was a nice touch on Valentine's Day. However, I found a few issues I would like to constructively submit for improvement..

First the restaurant was very cold. We asked twice to increase the heat as it was not chilly, but cold. Staff complied quickly but heat was slow in coming. If there had been more people in the restaurant, it would have been warmer but there were very few at the time we were there.

The Popia was excellent and is recommended. The Pad Thai was good, not as spicy as in Thailand and it should have been served with a lime, not a lemon.

The Chicken Satay was dissappointing. The chicken was cooked sometime ago, was cold, lifeless and with insufficient peanut sauce. The nest of grilled carrots was outstanding.

The Spicy Pork was spicy, very spicy, which I expected but the pork was previously cooked, lifeless and tough as leather. Not recommended due to the pork.

I know you can do better.

January 24, 2022
The food was delicious and plentiful. We'll be enjoying seconds tomorrow, ( or maybe later this evening!)

January 15, 2022
Food was delicious and will definitely order again.

December 29, 2021
Not as good I expected. Bought takeout and quantity was small for the price. Buyer beware

December 14, 2021
You guys are a real find... thank you!

October 31, 2021
We stopped in this beautiful restaurant, we were greeted by a cheery waiter and wonderful staff, the owners came out to see us during the meal which was exceptional, been all over the world and enjoyed this thai more than anywhere, will definitely be back, planning christmas and a birthday outing very soon.
Well worth a visit when you visit St John.

September 30, 2021
We ordered take out. I think it would be better to eat in the beautiful restaurant. The take out portions were small for the price. The Ginger Beef was dried up like it was made the previous day. The Panang Curry Chicken was such a small portion for the price I was disappointed. It's not like you can 'send it back' when it's take out. Buyer Beware!